
Earn from the pleasure of driving

Explore, build, and grow the chain.

A virtual world that combines the best driving experience through beautiful landscapes with real life capitalist fundamentals.


Welcome to the future of gaming

Play from mobile and earn tokens as you progress
  • open world

    Open world driving experience

    No limits, no restrictions, drive everywhere and explore beautiful places. Enjoy the ride!

  • open world

    Earn without investing

    Do you have the Maiar App? Then enjoy your driving experience and earn some tokens at the end of it.

  • open world

    Own a share of everything

    Profit made by each company is distributed to shareholders, you can own shares in all of them.

Utilizing the power of Blockchain

Fast, secure, and cheap

Chain of Industry is an economy simulator consisting of a series of big companies that produce goods, in which you can be a shareholder, truck fleets that distribute the goods, that you can drive, and people that consume those goods. Our world is built on top of Elrond blockchain technology, facilitating everyone to be part of it and share a part of its success.


Open world gameplay

Chain of Industry is a Game. The main focus of a game is the gameplay. We want to make your driving experience to be as enjoyable as it can be by allowing you to drive around a variety of roads without any restrictions, explore the beautiful landscapes, discover hidden places, make challenging missions and compete against other players. All this in a single Mobile app.

State of the art vehicles

All vehicles are made from scratch by our talented team members. They are good enough to be collectable items but they are made with a single purpose in mind: to improve your driving experience and create enjoyable moments while driving them around.

Become an investor

Share the profits of big companies by owning their shares. Each company from Chain of Industry will distribute its entire profit to shareholders so it is a good source of passive income from everyone. Maybe if you have what it takes, you can start your own business inside Chain of Industry, who knows!?

Solid in game economy

The Chain of Industry economy is based on real life principles such as demand and supply. A successful company provides better and cheaper goods than the competition. Profits will always go to better companies. Make yours the best!

Distributed to community

We will not have locked tokens. We will not have private or public sales. We will not have airdrops to random people. All our tokens will go to players that play the game not for earning tokens but for fun. We look at the earning part of the Chain of Industry as a bonus not as a main feature.

Oriented to Players

People who play the game will have benefits that cannot be bought by money. This game is for players, not for whales.

Democratic principles

City investments are decided by community vote and the majority will decide the development direction of the city.

Mint your achievement

Discover things, do things first, invent things, be one of the Chain of Industry Innovators. If you are, you can mint your achievement as NFT and show the world you were truly the first one who did it without any doubts. Only one can be the first, be proud of you! Maibe you`ll even earn something…

In time evolution

Nothing is still in Chain of Industry, everything will change in time, everything will get better, companies will evolve, new companies will appear, new communities will rise, better products will be invented, new business opportunities will be available for the ones bold enough to take the risks. Be part of the Chain of Industry evolution.

The Team

Ovidiu Arion

Ovidiu Arion

Madalin Croitoru

Madalin Croitoru

3D Artist
Tamas Moroz

Tamás Moroz

Elisabeta Stan

Elisabeta "Kuki" Stan

Miruna Kiss-Popescu

Miruna Kiss-Popescu

Mihai Haloiu

Mihai Haloiu

Web developer

Anonymous Dev



Follow the progress we’re making

Phase 1

  • Social media accounts
  • Website
  • Whitepaper
  • Community building

Phase 2

  • Demo app live on Android and iOS
  • Shares for Blackwater Corp. available for purchase in form of NFTs
  • Driving academy is live - get driving license
  • Token creation on Elrond Mainnet Shares for Gas Station and Refinery available for purchase in form of NFTs
  • Full gameplay available on testnet

Phase 3

  • Token distribution to shareholders
  • Start of staking rewards
  • Listing on Maiar exchange
  • Truck NFTs available for purchase
  • Full gameplay available on Elrond Mainnet
  • Truck NFTs available for purchase